Why Mattresses Sink in the Middle?

Why mattresses sink in the middle?

Why do mattresses start to sink in the middle?

Sinking in the outcome of a typical wear-and-tear to your mattress. The foam that is used in the mattress starts to soften over time, this is because as the mattress is exposed to substantial pressure every night from the sleeping individual. Over a period, this gradual softening of the foam starts to present itself as a sinking feeling in the mattress and this then provides even less support for the person sleeping. There are three main causes that people generally associate with the reason to why a mattress may start to sink is, the first reason is the sleeping position of the person or persons using the mattress. Some of the ways a sleeping position can contribute to a mattress sinking is if you are only using one side of the mattress to sleep left or right then over time that side of the mattress will start to sink as it is experiencing a pressure on it every night where as the other side isn’t. The second way is if your mattress has inadequate support. When a mattress doesn’t receive sufficient support from either the box springs or the bed itself, then its likely to sink in some areas. This is because mattresses are big and if certain areas are weak then inevitably it will start to sink. The third and final reason your mattress may start to sink is because of wear and tear, it’s a natural progression for your mattress to eventually wear out. Whether the mattress is made from latex, memory foam or innerspring system all materials lose their depth and durability over time. For example, the springs in mattress may lose their firmness to bounce back when you sleep on them and this will in return start to make the mattress sink in certain positions. 

How long does it take for a mattress to start to sink? & How to know when your mattress is starting to sink

A high-quality memory foam mattress lives for around 8-10 years, but a standard quality mattress usually starts to sag after using for around 7 years. But there are ways to prevent or slow down the process of a mattress that is starting to sink or as some people say “sag”. A helpful tip you can use to find out if your mattress is starting to sink is by resting something flat like yardstick across the cover surface of your mattress and look for gaps underneath it. The most common areas where are mattress usually will start to sink is where heavy spots of the body are placed such as the head, hips, and shoulders etc. 

How to avoid a sinking mattress

You should check your mattress for dents at least once a month, this will make it easier to pick up on the parts of the mattress that are not flat enough and gives you time to fix them before they become irreversible. You should also flip your mattress at least every six months, the bottom side of the mattress faces up and the top side faces down, and this will then be swapped when it comes time for you to flip the mattress over. You could also try and change your sleeping positions, you can do that by alternating the side of the bed you sleep on for example, if you sleep on the right side switch over to the left side and vice versa. You can also add additional support if it is needed, on some occasions the manufacturer will recommend you add a box spring to your bed, and if that is the case then you should consider following that suggestion. This helps to provide support to your mattress, which will extend its lifespan.  

How to fix a sinking mattress

I’m sorry to say that you cannot really “fix” a sinking mattress, the only real fix is to send the mattress back to the manufacturer for repairs, or to replace it entirely. There are several things that person can do to minimise the feeling of a sunken mattress. The first thing you can do is you can use mattress topper, buying a mattress topper can help you to sleep more comfortably on a mattress that is sinking. As the name implies a mattress topper is put on top of the mattress, this will then provide extra support and comfort for the individual. As well as flipping the mattress over you can also rotate it, by swapping the foot and the head of the bed, you can increase the longevity of the mattress. Another thing you could do to try and help fix a sinking mattress is by replacing the foundation, in numerous cases, the foundation of the bed can contribute to premature sinking of the mattress. Foundations that have less than six legs can often cause premature sinking, as there is less support around the middle of the mattress. Using extra pillows is also another way you could help with a sinking mattress, though it is a temporary solution for this problem it can help, you can place the pillows in parts of the mattress that are to starting to sink. Some suggest putting the pillows under the mattress itself, to help bolster parts of the mattress, however I do not suggest this method because it can speed up the ageing of the mattress by preventing even support.

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