When Do Bed Bugs Die?
When Do Bed Bugs Die?
Bed bugs can live for as long as up to 4 months or more in an empty house before completely dying off. The two primary factors that determine how quickly or slowly the bed bugs could die off are the existence of a host to feed off of, along with the temperature of the house.
It's been proven that bed bugs and their eggs will slow down, become lethargic, paralyzed, and eventually die within 90 minutes when the room they reside in is heated to 45-50 degrees Celsius. Of course a higher temperature, somewhere around 100 degree Celsius, will instantly kill the bugs.
Bed bugs won’t die on their own, even if not feeding off of you; humans aren’t their only source of food, rodents and pets alike can be enough to keep them going for months on end. Bed bug adults can last up to 400 days without feeding, laying up to 250 eggs in their lifetime.
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