What Is A Platform Storage Bed?
What is a platform storage bed?
Platform beds are a type of bed that can support you without the need of a box spring, unlike most bed frames which need a box spring to support the mattress. platform beds are usually close to the ground and lift your bed to about 12 inches of the ground. platform beds are comfortable and they come in different variety of styles. Having a platform bed has become an easy way for anyone to enhance the look of your bedroom.
Platform storage beds are the same as platform beds however they offer a lot more storage options below. This helps with a lot of different things such as organising and keeping things clutter-free.
People who want a Platform storage bed will want to pick a platform storage bed that is bigger such as a king-size. Having larger platform storage is great for lots of different reasons as they give you more space to organise and store your items away. Having a larger storage bed will also give you more space to lie down as no one wants their toes hanging over the edge while they sleep at night.
Platform beds are currently a trend because they give the best of both words of creating space while also not having to compromise on the size of the bed. this means that a person gets to enjoy their comfort and the storage at the same time.
Having a platform storage bed allows people who like the platform bed to have the bed that they enjoy and like to also have the storage space that they may need or desire which gives a person the best of both worlds.
A platform storage bed is a bed that is close to the ground without the need of a spring box and allows storage to be used while also being a very comfortable bed which is why it has recently become a popular type of bed.
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