What Is a Box Spring?
What Is a Box Spring?
A box spring is typically made out of coils and wood, a box spring is used as a stand/foundation for your mattress, and it works well with most mattresses on the market. Box springs usually as very supportive for your mattress as the wood in the box spring works to provide it with some shape, size and stability, the coils work to provide the stand with some support and to absorb the shock. Although box springs to some may seem old fashioned now, they still provide us with good benefits which ultimately proves its usefulness.
Often the main purpose for a box spring before was to have some that would bring height to your bed, and have it rest someone that was no longer the floor. Although now it may be fairly trendy to have your mattress closer to the floor or even on the floor, for those who are tall this isn’t ideal. Often people who are tall deal with joint pain and may have a harder time getting out of a lower bed so a box spring that gives some height to a mattress may prove to be useful to them.
A box spring is fairly hollow inside, which means that if it is designed properly, then air should be able to flow inside if it and well as outside of it too, thus cooling you down as it cools down the mattress. Airflow is very important when you are trying to fall asleep or when you are sleeping as, your body ideal prefers to be at a cooler temperature when sleeping. If you are a little on the warmer side before going to sleep, then a box spring may be ideal for you as it may help you cool down ready for a good night’s sleep.
As mentioned before, box springs absorb shock very well, if you plop onto your bed or if you have children on pets that jump on then bed, then the box spring with absorb some of that shock, which allows for your mattress to have a longer lifespan.
Box springs although, they are slightly older than your newer bed frames, they are still useful bed stands to have especially if you will benefit for the list that as mentioned before.
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