Restless leg syndrome - What is it and how can it be treated?
Here on the Furnitureful blog, we will cover various topics from interior ideas such as how to decorate your ottoman bed, to tips on sleep - all with the aim of making sure you have the best sleeping experience you can get in your home. In today's blog, we will be looking at Restless Leg Syndrome and how you can treat it.
"Restless legs syndrome, also known as Willis-Ekbom disease," according to the NHS, "is a common nervous system ailment that produces an overwhelming irrepressible urge to move the legs." It can cause creeping or crawling sensations in the feet and legs, as well as random movement of the legs and arms while sleeping, described as 'periodic limb movements in sleep.
Symptoms commonly appear while a person is seated for an extended amount of time, and this is why symptoms tend to worsen before sleep, which is why it is classified as a sleep disorder. The disorder is classified as a movement disorder since it stimulates you to move your legs. Symptoms of restless leg syndrome vary in severity and frequency; some people have it just sometimes, while others, sadly, experience it on a regular basis.
Now that you have a better understanding of what restless leg syndrome is, let's look into what causes it.
Restless Leg Syndrome: What Causes It?
It's difficult to pinpoint a specific explanation for restless legs at night, as it is with many other sleep problems, but there are a few sorts of syndromes that might cause it.
Primary Restless Legs Syndrome
This type of restless leg syndrome is often passed down down the generations. Symptoms usually appear before the person reaches the age of 40 in these circumstances. The way the body manages dopamine, according to neurologists, may play a role in this type of restless legs syndrome. This is the substance that regulates muscle activity in humans.
Secondary Restless Legs Syndrome
Secondary restless leg syndrome is caused by underlying health problems including iron deficiency or end-stage renal failure. Secondary restless leg syndrome can occur as a side effect of certain drugs, alcohol, or even pregnancy.
What's the Most Effective Treatment for Restless Legs Syndrome?
A change in lifestyle can significantly reduce your symptoms. Avoiding coffee in the evening, establishing a regular sleep schedule with a comfortable mattress such as our hybrid memory foam mattresses, and exercising on a regular basis can all help you avoid restless legs and achieve a good night's sleep.
However, there are certain specific things you can do to alleviate those creeping sensations in your legs. To relax the muscles in your legs, consider massaging them in the evening and having a hot bath before bed. If you're having trouble with your symptoms, walking and stretching can assist.
Weighted blankets are also thought to help with restless leg syndrome because they apply pressure to the legs, which alleviates the desperate need to move them. Weighted blankets not only have health benefits but also look nice draped over your sofa bed or in your main bedroom, ready for any time that you need it. If you're truly struggling, doctors can give drugs to boost your dopamine levels, but these can have negative side effects, so talk to your doctor if you're worried especially if your symptoms become painful also.
Overall it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor if you notice anything out of the ordinary.
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