How Mattresses Are Made in India
How Mattresses Are Made in India
Any conventional mattress consists of two primary layers, a core layer that offers support to the entire mattress and the comforting upholstery layer that’s often wrapped in a thick fabric known as ‘Tickling’. The upholstery layerings act to provide extra cushioning and comfort to their user.
Due to companies like Durfi and Springtek, memory foam has never been more popular in India. The initial component in the manufacture of memory foam is polyurethane plastic, which is then blended with two groups of petrochemicals. Causing an exothermic reaction to then commence, whereby the individual products combine to make a liquid. These chemicals aid the mixture’s flexibility and upon being combined with calcium carbonate, the optimal mixture thickness is created. This chemical mixture is then gently warmed until the ingredients melt before it is then whipped together to incorporate air, an important addition to add the materials springy nature.
When the mixture is at the desired consistency it appears similarly to a malleable soft dough. Though most importantly, the mixture must be at the right temperature in order to be correctly poured into its required mould. However, due to the fragile chemical nature of the blend, it also needs to be dispensed into the mould at a very specific rate to not disrupt the reaction that has taken place. If this is disrupted, the memory foam will not form into the desired shape of the material, springiness or make-up. Once in the mould, the air in the mixture is pushed out at a high pressure which forms the open cell structure of the foam. Upon being quickly dried and cooled, the foam slab stock is removed from the mould, washed, dried and checked for its quality. From here on, the foam blocks are then cut into what you know to be foam mattresses.
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