Getting your bedroom ready for winter

Whether your house is neck deep in snow or the winter months are behind you, it’s never too early to prepare for the frosty months of the year. Here at Funitureful we’ve compiled some fantastic, easy and affordable ideas together so that you can see just how truly to turn your bedroom into a beautiful Winter Wonderland. From bedding and pillows to Christmas wallpaper, we’re sure to help you turn your bed into a fresh haven this winter season.

Decor idea 1: Your bedding

There is so much that can be done with bedding, pillows and duvet etc to help give your room that festive feel. To get a relaxed and cosy winter feel in your room we’d recommend you add, say, a red rug, or a green pillow to add some festive cheer. Another material that is also great for adding a cosy feel is faux fur, especially white faux fur because it can give your bed the beautiful illusion of being covered in snow!

Decor idea 2: Changing your colour scheme to red white and green

What do you think of when Christmas time comes around? Santa? Presents? Christmas trees? Well, what colours run through your mind about this time of year? It’s usually red, white and green of course! Therefore, we suggest you make small adjustments to incorporate these colours. For example, you can have your walls in white and red and maybe change the carpet to a dark, luscious green. It’s the little things that make the most big differences.

Decor idea 3: Using natural materials to accessorise

Pinecones. Walnuts. Green wreaths. There are a mind boggling number of natural materials out there that can be used to spice up your bedroom. Hang them from mirrors or drape the across your walls to create a cosy effect that will last all year round.

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