How often should you change Bedsheets
How often should you change bedsheets?
You should be changing your bed sheets as often as possible or at least every two weeks. Especially if getting into your bed is the very first thing that comes to your mind after a long tiring day at work then it is essential to so do. The majority will agree that a freshly made bed feels divine, but how often should you change your bedding?
Arguably, making a bed can be perceived as time-consuming when you could be doing other enjoyable things. This will lead to extra laundry and more work, which may demotivate you. However, little do they acknowledge that clean bedsheets do not just allow you to feel fresh but it has health benefits as well as helps provide a better nights sleep.
If you are not washing and changing your bed sheets regularly, this will allow dirt and dust to accumulate and though this may not be visible to the naked eye, it is microscopically visible. Let's not forget about sweat, natural skin oils and the amount of skin we shred every night that may have made a way into and absorbed into your bedding.
How often should you change your bedsheets?
It is ideal to change your bedsheets at least every two weeks, however, there are a few reasons as to why you should change them as frequently as 4 to 5 days.
1. If you suffer from any allergies which cause runny nose, cough, sneezing or even asthma, it is essential to wash your bed sheets regularly. Make sure to check the instructions and wash your bedding following that.
2. If you have oily skin, you should wash your face after a few hours and change your bedding every 3 to 4 days. Ensuring a proper wash of bedding can get rid of any stains, oil or grease. We propose purchasing good quality bedding made from cotton, particularly if you have oily skin.
3. If you have skin conditions or infections then you may need to change your bedsheets every 2 days because your skin is in direct contact with your bedding. You will need to soak your bedding in disinfectant diluted in lukewarm water and then throw it into the washing machine as per instructions.
4. Eating and drinking in bed may result in spillage so changing your bedding immediately is a necessity. If you sleep in a dirty soiled bed then you could be vulnerable to contracting infections or allergies.
5. If you allow your pet on your bed, you should wash your bed sheets as often as possible because shedding hair is common; if it gets lodged into your bedding and isn't cleaned properly then it can result in allergies, infections as well as disturbed sleep.
6. If you spend a majority of your time in bed or work from your bed then it is ideal to change your bedding every 4 to 5 days due to potential sweating. The longer you spend in your bed, the more contaminated your bed is likely to be.
However, if you do not enjoy changing your bedding and see it as a chore then the following tips will help in preserving your good quality bedsheets.
- Do not sleep with make-up on
- Avoid getting into bed after exercising
- Take a shower before getting into bed
- Do not eat or drink in bed
- Avoid using creams, oils, serums or gels
- Ensure your feet or socks are clean before bed
So changing bedsheets at least once a week will help you maintain better health, sleep quality and ensure your bedsheets are in excellent condition too.
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